
Monday, 22 February 2016

மகாபாரதம் vs பாரதம் - ஒரு பதிலடி.

சமீபத்தில் வாட்சாப்பில் வந்த மகாபாரதம் vs பாரதம் என்கிற ஒரு பதிவிற்கான பதில் இங்கே...

Here is the Original Message:

Duryodhan & Rahul Gandhi - both without talent. but yet wanted to be rulers on the principle of birth-right.
Bhishma & Advani - Never crowned. got respect & yet became helpless at the end of their lives.
Arjun & Narendra - Both talented. reached the highest position due to being on the side of dharma. but realise how difficult it is to follow and practice.
Karna & Manmohan Singh - Both intelligent. but never reached anywhere being on the side of adharma.
Abhimanyu & Kejriwal - Both new in war. they did not pass the chakravyuh test that enemies had spread around them & got trapped somewhere in between.
Dhritrashtra & Sonia - Both were blind for love of their sons.
And Last - Krishna And Abdul Kalam - We celebrate both of them but do not follow what they taught and preached.
This is Mahabharat and Bharat...😜😂

Raja Raja Cholan - The Other Side

இராஜராஜ சோழனின் மறுபக்கம்...

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

"Jallikattu" - Our traditional cultural values

Dear animal welfare association and animal lovers, if cows are harmed because of Jallikattu, then why the hell do you allow the people to eat goat, chicken, fish and all types of sea foods in India? Let’s ban everything. But the bitter truth is that, there are a lot of facts hidden behind the animal welfare groups opposing it. It seems they have invested a lot of money to ban our ancient sport. Just imagine, who are all the people helping those welfare groups? What are the actual things hidden behind this? There are lot of doubts arising.

Jallikattu is an ancient sport. The seals of the Indus Valley civilization depict it, which is proof that this sport was in vogue 5,000 years ago. Ancient Tamil poetry, known as Sangam literature (2nd BCE – 2nd CE), has many detailed references to EruThazhuvuthal (hugging the bull). The fact that English colonial administrators have also written about Jallikattu tells us the sport was played continuously down the ages.

People from Tamil Nadu see Jallikattu as their life, more than just sport. It’s our identity and traditional values. Our pioneers want to save our native cattle breeds, and they want to reproduce more cows, bulls to save agriculture and milk production. That’s the main reason they brought the sport in the name of Jallikattu or Manjuvirattu. Bullfighting was common among the ancient tribes who lived in the ‘Mullai’ geographical division of the ancient Tamil country. Later, it became a platform for display of bravery and prize money was introduced for entertainment. Slowly all the people in the respective villages considered it as the biggest pride to win in the Jallikattu  hence, many bulls are specifically identified, trained and nourished for these sporting events, and their owners spend considerable sums on their upkeep. Through this, indirectly they are saving,Kangeyum, Puliyakulam, Tiruchengodu, Bargur, Palamalai, Umbalachery, Alambadi and a lot more. At one time, there were lots of people killed and injured but now everything is regulated and you can put restrictions if it hurt the animals; we are ready to incorporate the rules. Just imagine, if they stopped this sport, it will result in the owners starting to sell, and to stop raising the bulls which will destroy all the species. It affects agriculture, farmers’ lives and ultimately our milk production.Despite knowing all these facts, why is the central government showing so much interest in banning our ancient sport? 

There are only two views about Jallikattu. Those who know what actually Jallikattu is about, why our ancient people follow that strictly, will support it. But those who don't know what actually Jallikattu is all about, just say the save cow, don't hurt animals, blah, blah, simply opposing it. Speak, support, argue, but before that educate yourself. When horse riding and racing is considered as an entertainment and sport, how come “Jallikattu” is harmful to animals? Before opposing the sport, please go to the villages and see how we treat the bulls. We respect, love, placing them in equal of God and treat them way better then PETA or any other animal welfare groups. Because we know the real worth of it. We never use any of the breeds to export to the foreigners for money and have never been a part of cow slaughter.

It is really more painful, hurting when the people from our own country, without knowing the history of jallikattu, opposing it simply because of “we are Tamizhans”. When we were struggling in chennai floods, north media busy in projecting the Bollywood heros, heroines, amirkhan’s intolerant statement and counted the number of husbands of indrani mukerjea. When we were killed in our own sea areas, they projected it as “Tamil fisherman” but sundarpichai, arrahman, vishwanathan anand become Indians. Why there are lot of partialities? But I’m not saying about all my brothers and sisters. Markenday katju replies, we never forget. To my entire fellow brothers and sisters who considered tamizhans as aliens, please don’t forget, India’s biggest strength is diversity. 

I believe Indian judiciary system is fading day by day, given their judgement. The days are not much far when the people start following their own rule, irrespective of the judgement. When a guy gets Rs. 10,000, a sewing machine and is stated as a minor after brutally raping and killing a girl, an actor is set free even after lot of evidences against him for drink and drive, killing the person, all the corrupted politicians set free only because they have power and money, why the hell do we need to obey their bad judgement? So here, there is no value for honesty and goodness. Money and power plays a vital role in the Supreme Court and all the high courts.So, who are the real culprits behind this ban? Why is it that lot of Indians got selected in Miss World and Miss Universe continuously from ‘94 to 2000 and why has no one got selected after that? Yes, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Corporate companies play a vital role in every possible way. Some corporate companies want to enter into India in beauty products, so they have used the Miss World and Miss Universe titles as their key. Now they want to enter into the milk production business. So they are slowly destroying whatever they feel are the main hindrances in the name of animal welfare association. But mostly the people and the media projected only the outer layer, the hidden facts always went unnoticed.

Milk is about 85% water. The remaining 15% is the milk sugar lactose, protein, fat, and minerals. The protein portion is 80% casein and 20% whey. Whey does not coagulate or make a curd as the milk acidifies. Beta-casein is 30% of the total protein content in milk, or about 30% of the total protein content in cow’s milk.

There are actually two kinds of milk in the world today. One is from an older strain of cows, found predominantly in France, Asia & Africa, with a few herds in Australia and scattered elsewhere around the world. These cows purportedly produce milk with the original beta casein protein, which the author claims is easier to digest and confers the health benefits we typically associate with dairy consumption. This milk is being called A-2.The second and more modern kind of cows allegedly produce A-1 milk. It’s claimed that a mutation occurred around 5,000 years ago that caused these cows to produce milk which has a beta casein protein that has mutated ever so slightly, to create a peptide called bcm7 that acts as a powerful opiate. This slightly mutated beta casein has a propensity to break apart during digestion, rather than holding together like its A-2 cousin. The fragmented protein can penetrate the gut lining and enter the bloodstream, and it is thought that this has a deleterious effect on the human body.The beta casein proteins found in milk are supposed to stay in your intestinal tract, but it is claimed that the fragmented casein from A-1 milk breaks through the gut barrier and enters the bloodstream, where it wreaks havoc on pretty much all the organs of the body. Some are attributing a long and varied list of serious conditions—ranging from juvenile diabetes to heart disease to autism—to this casein incursion into the bloodstream. 

Now our breeds produce A2 milk which is digestible and have lot of health benefits. We don’t want to import any breeds or depend on any country for milk production. Still some statistics claim that India is one of the largest beef exporters. Milk is one of the most essential parts of our daily foods. So now, they want to make us dependable in milk production. How will they achieve that by banning Jallikattu kind of sports? Imagine Jallikattu being banned for life time and the owners having to selling their breeds. This will reduce our natural cattle breeds. As time passes, we will be need of bulls to increase the cow production and also for farming. Then we shall start depending on other countries. They will export bulls which may be injected breeds.  As time passes, mutation might occur in our cows and they may be become A1 or A1/A2 hybrid which may create a lot of health deficiency. So more pharmaceutical companies can enter into India to recover this health deficiency and permanently we will be dependent on the UK, US or European countries on A2 breed or injection to converting our herds to A2-producers.This is not only an assumption, this is the way the corporate have entered into India in all ways. Once upon a time, The East India Company entered and started to invade India. Now corporate again is targeting in all ways to enter India, trying to destroy all our traditional values.

But why central government showing more interest to ban our ancient sport? The answer is simple. If you want to destroy the language, then destroy all their culture and ancient traditional values. Then make them dependable.Why is every political party in Tamil Nadu strongly showing so much support towards Jallikattu this time, though it never happened last time too? The answer is simple, TN state elections in the coming May.So who cares about our traditional values ? It’s in our hand, your love towards animals become null when you start bargaining for extra chicken and mutton piece with the shop owner. If you really are concerned about animals, then you don't have the right to touch any living creature on earth.Don't let the corporate enter into milk production by banning Jallikattu, which is actually harmful to the cows. More than that, it’s our ancient sport, Tamizhan traditional values, courage and more. It's every Tamizhan’s responsibility to save our traditional values. #‎ISupportJallikattu#‎WeNeedJallikattu

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Vidhaigal - Seeds of Change

“We are a team of ignited young minds trying to bring a change in the system and current political atmosphere.”

From the beginning of this world, as we know it, Change is one thing that has not changed. It is because of those changes, we have evolved from Cave men to modern civilized men and women. We have seen the Industrial revolution of the 18th Century to the Information Technology Revolution in the 21st century today.

What was once a dream for our ancestors, is now a reality for us. We are enjoying pleasant days for the toils and tears of those great men who stood against injustice. All over the world, wherever there were dominant power, there had always been a revolution for change.

We, as young population of India are seeing our nation being exploited by the Politicians. But is it only the politicians who are spoiling the country? Who should take the blame for the Poverty, unemployment and increasing crimes? How can we bring a change in this atmosphere?

To get an answer for these questions we should look back at our mission statement. “To bring a change in the system and current political atmosphere through Youth Power”. Let us look one by one.

What is our current political situation?

We all know about the tragedy in 2012 when a girl was brutally raped and murdered in a running bus in Delhi. In a very unusual way, a vast majority of the country raised voices for this. Even the middle class population which normally do not come out of their comfort zones fought for justice. There were protests from all around the country and it gained a mass media coverage and even a documentary was released in the name “India’s daughter”.

In the same year, 1574 Dalit women were raped as per the records. This is just the number of reported cases and records indicate that only 10% of such cases ever get reported. You can imagine the scale of the crime. Why was this not known to any of us? (I guess they are not India’s daughters) We cannot blame the media. They are just selling the news for money and they would sell what the customers (in this case us, the viewers) want to read/see/know.

Few more facts which would give another perception at our country

·        77% of the Indian population that is 836 million people are living with less than a dollar a day. – Reuters report based on “Conditions of work and promotions of livelihood in the unorganized sector”
·   “Forbes: India’s billionaire wealth is much above the country’s fiscal deficit”. Top 100 wealthiest people in India contribute to 25% of our GDP.

All these happened when India overtook Japan as the third largest economy in the world by PPP (Purchasing Power Parity). It is very easy to blame the politicians for such imbalance in the society. But how many of us have been a responsible citizen? As a young pillar of the country what have I done to change this?

Youth Power

India has the largest Youth population in the world. With such a huge dynamic youth population we should have seen tremendous changes and revolution. But the reality is not even close to that. We can attribute several reasons for that. One, more than 75% of our youth population does not have a good understanding about our society. We do not have the intention to see beyond the news that was given to us by the media. We only see the world through the LED screens of our TV, Laptops and smart phones.

Secondly, we are so good in playing the blame game. We have a lot of fire and anger, but we are always manipulated by some or other to use that fire for their personal motives. It has always been a ruling party vs opponent party, and when the side change our fire starts to burn the other way. Any revolution or change brought by Anger is only temporary. All we need is a change in the ideology and perception.

And thirdly, we are so easily addicted and manipulative. We have so many issues surrounding us but we are fighting in social media for our favorite actor. Most of our productive hours are spent on social media which in turn is used to manipulate our emotions and make us just a market. Everything is a troll for us and sarcasm has become a national language of the youth. We should be standing against the injustice in the society but we are standing in front of TASMAC wine shops. Our Patriotism comes only when India is playing cricket (It didn’t come that extent during commonwealth games or the Olympics) or sharing a video about India’s national anthem winning best national anthem.
Most tragic thing is that most of us believe what is shown to us as news. We do not want to see the other side of the story. That is the reason they call us “Unattached”. In other words, we are simply dictated by the media (which is funded by corporates and sometimes owned by them). Our attention span is so short that we change our focus from one issue to another. By us, here I mean most of the youth population. 
These criticisms should be duly noted and looked into before we begin our action.

Who are we fighting against?

This is a million dollar question we should be asking ourselves before we go further. Are we just fighting against one political party to bring a change? Or is it all of them? Is it the system today or Government itself?

In movies until recent times, we would see a guy who always breaks the law and does bad to the society. It has been so easy to identify the bad guy. But that is not the case today. We see a Cancer Hospital donated by a corporate giant as a corporate social responsibility. On the other side, he is the one who runs the tobacco business which sends people to that hospital.

We have seen so many catchy slogans during elections on making India as super power or promising economic development. While we were so busy in selecting which one to vote from their fancy ads, 600 villages in Chhattisgarh were vacated by the government using military force. Those lands very given at a cheaper price to a single corporate for extracting bauxite which would be further processed as aluminum and exported to USA and European countries. This aluminum is used to make fighter plans and jets which our government would buy on loan from World Bank to add strength to the military which vacated the villages. Whoever has not vacate their villages are named terrorists and shot at sight. This has been happening for past 2 decades in the central states of India.

Our Government sells 1 liter of Mineral water at Rs.10 to the common man which might seem a generous price compared to the market rate. It is the same government which sells 1000 liters of water at just Rs.16 to a multinational beverage company. This is not particular to any government. Even the states ruled by communists are facing similar conditions.

Any ideal government or leader people argue about (Like Kamaraj in TamilNadu) have existed before the 90’s, before the Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization to be specific. Experts suggested that it is the only means of development. But even after 2 decades, our condition is remaining the same. At this point of time, even if Kamaraj is the CM of TamilNadu, the situation would be the same. We have privatized our profit making public sectors. This has led to accumulation of wealth in fewer hands. For those who still argue that Privatization is the only way to bring good governance, privatization of railways in the UK has been termed as a “Great robbery” as billions of pounds were looted by corporates.

If we are trying to bring a change in the system, the first thing that we need to understand is that the system itself is polluted. Laws have been changed to help the people who loot the wealth of the nation and there is not enough awareness among us to raise voice for. Crime has been legalized now.

Our Approach:

Our go forward approach should be formed on the basis of a strong social understanding and political maturity. We should start acting on those which we intend to do after coming to power. In a political word, where people ask for votes and then promise change, we would do Good to the society and let the people decide the votes.
Here are some of suggestions on the approach we could follow. This is open for debates and discussions.

First, we would establish different functional wings inside the organization with a common goal – "Change for good". Here are a few examples:
·        Agricultural Wing
·        Women and Children Wing
·        Labour Wing
·        Social Awareness Wing
·        Village Upliftment Wing
·        Students Wing
·        Media and Communications Wing
·        Legal Wing

Each of this wing would have a short term goal for one year and a well drafted five year plan. The need for these wings would be identified from the society. People who are interested in any particular area or their specialization could choose a wing and contribute their service. Once we become to power, these wings would become advisories to the respective department.

For example, friends who have knowledge and interest in agriculture would be part of the agricultural wing. We would understanding the farming population and come up with a plan. We could give a voice for their concerns. By the time we come to power, this wing would know the pains of those people and they would be in a position to solve them. Even if we do not make it to the power, we could still bring change and awareness through these wings.

If we could build a structure like this and make use of this very well, we would be able to bring good governance outside of the system. This has its own challenges as well. That is the reason we should have our own legal and media wings. There are thousands of issues and problems going unnoticed. We could bring them out to the world at the least.

Party Operations:

Apart from the Functional wings, we would need some internal wings for running the party smoothly.
o   Public relations
o   General Administration & Grievance
o   Mentors

The General Administration team would take care of the governance and manage the other wings on the whole. This team would be responsible for holding elections within the party to select the leadership. Let us practice democracy from our home (Party).

Funding – At first we could start with our own funds or support from friends and family. But to make us even bigger, we would need support from the people. This would impose a responsibility upon us to answer them for our actions. We will make sure that our party comes under the Right to Information (RTI) Act.

In short, we are sowing seeds now for a bigger change tomorrow.

Our Immediate Actions:

In order to bring a mass change in the society we need lot of like-minded young people. First we need our Media and communications wing to promote our ideology and recruit youth.

-      We should identify the different wings that we would need now so that the newly joining members can select their area of service.
-      Within the next 3 months, we should come up with the short term plan for the year for each wing and a 5 year plan as well.
-      Party registration process should simultaneously. Our Legal wing would be taking care of the same.
-      Collect a list of issues/problems as much as possible through our different functional wings.
-      Each member of the party should take a pledge that we will be the change we want to see in the society.
-      Reach as much as people as possible.

Educate ! Organize ! Agitate!

கற்பி ! ஒன்று சேர் ! புரட்சி செய்!

Download the Article in PDF

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Sunday, 3 January 2016


Hi, VIDHAIGAL is our name,
We ain't aiming Fame.

CHANGE is our Motto,
And we won't paste any photo. 😜

YOUTH is our strength,
Striving to increase our length.

When thousands , in Chennai , cried,
We weren't in a plane ride. 😒

Then we thought,
A change is to be Brought.

We fought DAY and NIGHT,
To get back our Chennai ,

We saw true colour of Politicians ,
And to change them ,

As long as our soul is there,
Political foul we won't bare.👿

You should not suffer ,

Please, Please,
From HEART We need  YOUR SUPPORT !!!😊😊😊